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The proper terminology for Indian Head Massage is called Champissage, the Hindi term for the practise. It was brought to the west by Narendra Mehta in the 1970’s

It may relieve aches, pains and tension in your neck, back and shoulders, improve the texture of your hair and encourage it to grow. An Indian head massage stimulates the flow of blood, lymph and oxygen in your upper body, and therefore may clear your sinuses, relieve stress and help you sleep better.

  • Helps prevent migraines, headaches and back pain.
  • Promotes hair growth.
  • Detoxifies the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage.
  • Relieves sleeplessness, restlessness and insomnia.
  • Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Renews energy levels.
  • Boosts memory capabilities.



SkinSense Health & Beauty Clinic
50, Sammat Street, Paola.
2180 1157
9942 4936