
Interative Hyaluronate Water 200Ml
€ 19.64
Description The Interactive Hyaluronate water is a pH balanced toner that can be used as a toner, to allow product penetration and to replace tap water. It is rich with hyaluronic acid to increase the permeability of the skin assisting in the deeper penetration of products, moisturize the skin and increase the elasticity and firmness. It also has a complex for maintaining the metalloenzymes at optimum activity to repair damaged tissue. Why replace tap water? Tap water, which is the most common way of cleansing the face, may cause the skin to feel dry or oily, depending on the skin type, forming a film on the surface of the skin that clogs the pores, prevents product penetration and on certain occasions causes irritation or allergies. Hyaluronate water prevents this from happening, by only trapping moisture to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin and assists in the skin care penetration due to the different molecular weights of the hyaluronic acid present. When to use it should be used day and night before the cleanser to moisturise the skin, to remove the cleanser and prior to applying the daily regime in order to allow for deeper product penetration. It can also be used throughout the day, in hotter climates so that it moisturizes and gets rid of the oiliness and in colder climates for giving the moisture that is required in order to avoid dry, flaky, cracked, sensitive skin. It can also be used from a distance to settle make-up. • Hyaluronic acid promotes normal levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin. It exhibits water-binding and water attracting attributes fill up the spaces between the connective fibers, collagen and elastin in the skin. This allows the skin to stay supple and prevents wrinkles from forming. • Sodium Hyaluronate a salt form of hyaluronic acid, a water binding ingredient that has the ability to fill the spaces between the connective fibers, collagen and elastin.It also helps to hold the water in the tissue. • Magnesium sulphate maintains metalloenzymes (collagenase, elastase) at optimum activity to repair damaged tissue. • Water.